Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Compositions Project #2

Step 1 -Download all of your photos on the Apple server under project 2.

Step 2 -Select your top 4 images and use the tools in photoshop that we have covered to correct your images.

Step 3 - Post your top 4 images from Project #2 each on their own new post. Create a title for each image and in the body portion of the post label the composition technique, the aperture, shutter speed, exposure mode and a description of the image just as you would present the digital image to the class.

Step 4- Online Class Critique

I will assign 3 students in class to critique each of the 4 images for project #2 . Click on the comment section under each image. 
1. Write the main element of art that is evident
2. Write the main principle of design that is evident
3. You will need to give 2 positive responses and one improvement for each image. Be descriptive and constructive in terms of use of composition, subject, technical quality of the images, and overall originality of the images.

Do not copy one of the other student's responses, try to establish your own voice. You can second an opinion, but please give your own reasons for your comment.

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