Tuesday, September 15, 2009

portrait of artist

Worm's eye view
Exposure mode p
aperture 5.6
shutter speed 1/200
This photo was taken using the self timer on my car dashboard coming to school.  I wanted to emphasis to emphasis value and use the unusual camera angle to capture the anxiety of rushing to class each day.

Compositions Project #2

Step 1 -Download all of your photos on the Apple server under project 2.

Step 2 -Select your top 4 images and use the tools in photoshop that we have covered to correct your images.

Step 3 - Post your top 4 images from Project #2 each on their own new post. Create a title for each image and in the body portion of the post label the composition technique, the aperture, shutter speed, exposure mode and a description of the image just as you would present the digital image to the class.

Step 4- Online Class Critique

I will assign 3 students in class to critique each of the 4 images for project #2 . Click on the comment section under each image. 
1. Write the main element of art that is evident
2. Write the main principle of design that is evident
3. You will need to give 2 positive responses and one improvement for each image. Be descriptive and constructive in terms of use of composition, subject, technical quality of the images, and overall originality of the images.

Do not copy one of the other student's responses, try to establish your own voice. You can second an opinion, but please give your own reasons for your comment.

Image Manipulation

Image Manipulation - Has it gone to far?

After viewing the Dove movie in class, read the article on
Image Alteration, from CBS Sunday morning and respond to the two questions below by typing a paragraph for each one.

1. After watching the ad created by Dove and learning more of the features of Adobe Photoshop and how to alter photographs, how do you feel about many of the images that you see in magazines? What messages are the advertising agencies and companies who pay to run these ads trying to send? How does it affect you as an individual, as a teenager, as a society?

2. Based on the article from CBS Sunday morning, what did you think of the photo of Senator John Kerry with Jane Fonda as it was used in the presidential campaign- how does this affect us?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Artists of Inspiration

For your second posting, Blog #2, I would like you to post images of artists that inspire you. I call them Artistic Heroes. Find artists that inspire you through technique, subject matter, concept, materials. You will need to post an image of each artist and why you choose them in you blog. Please list the titles of the work along with the artist that you are posting as well. Blog Posts will run every Tuesday, so Blog #2 is Due Tuesday 9/15.

6. Robert Doisneau
The Kiss by the Hotel deVille. 1950

Robert Doisneau
The cellist. 1957

5. Corot
Springtime of Life.

4. Alice Neel3. Egon Schiele

2. Eduard Munch

1. Kathe Kollwitz- Is an artistic hero because of her use of gesture and value in her drawings. I also admire her ability to capture human emotion.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Life

My name: Nadya Wiedrich Preszler

Childhood ambition: To be a rock star, artist, photographer, teacher, and a mom

Fondest Memory: hanging out with my dad

Proudest moment: Bringing home my children Max and Elizabeth for the first time.

Biggest challenge: dealing with conflict, procrastination

Alarm clock: My kids waking me up in the middle of the night

Perfect Day: camping out, warm sunny day, picnic with my family, hiking, and then building a camp fire and dancing under the stars

Indulgence: anything chocolate, diet dr. pepper, traveling to new places

Favorite movie: Dead Poets Society, 50 first dates, Almost Famous

Soundtrack: anything by Jack Johnson

Inspirations: Working with people, my family, nature,

My life is: what I always imagined that it would be.