Friday, December 18, 2009

Final Grades

Terrific job on the final projects and critique. I have one last post for you.

Please pick up your series of 3 from the art office by Friday 12/18 at noon. I have your final project grade rubric with your project.

All of your project grades are updated on D2L. If there is anything missing you will need to let me know by Monday as I am posting the final letter grade to web advisor.

Several of you still have cameras out and if they are not returned they will hold your financial aid.

Have a great holiday break. I have enjoyed working with each of you.

Nadya Wiedrich Preszler

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Final Critique

1. Please drop final project folder (last name final) into the ART334. If there are any other projects that you would like to be considered for the NSU website please place those in your final image folder.

2. All cameras checked out from the Tech center need to be returned by Friday by 4 pm.

3. Please back up your desktop and student folder by friday. The drive will be erased over the break

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Finals are approaching! Watch for demos and deadlines.

Tuesday (12/1) - Digital Painting Activity- Post an example on the Blog
Post a comment on your series of 3 idea (photos optional)

Thursday (12/3) -Displacement Mapping Activity
All photos uploaded to your student folder
Workday on Series of 3

Tuesday (12/8) - Workday on Series of 3

Thursday (12/10) - Printing and Matting Demo
Workday on Series of 3

Final Wed (12/16) - Final Critique 2:15- 4:15

Series of 3 printed and matted with cover overlay

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Masterpiece Study

Please scan your masterpiece and open in photoshop. You will need to have a partner photograph your face to match the angles of the painting. Think about lighting and facial expression.

Create a selection of your face and save it as an alpha channel. Correct the color using the techniques we have learned in class. Levels, hue saturation, opacity, blending modes to correctly overlay your face on the portrait.

Have your piece posted on the blog for Tuesday. We will be discussing your final project on Tuesday before break.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Surrealistic Photomontage Theme

Assignments for Tuesday October 13

1. Bring an image to scan from a magazine or an image from the web of a location and a image of yourself for the I'd rather be... assignment.  We will post these on your blog for Thursday October 15.

2. You will need to decide on a theme for your photomontage project. I would like you to write a paragraph based on a theme idea that you have. Some examples of themes could be a memory, dream, social issue, self portrait, and or traveling.

Describe the types of images that you are thinking of using and how you are going to manipulate them to support your theme. Bring in 3 original images, one scanned image and one image from a website. Your photomontage is due 10/22.

Surrealistic Artists

Surrealistic Artists
Part #1-For your surrealistic photomontage project you are going to need to choose a 2 surrealistic artists to review. Write a brief biography (one paragraph minimum) on  each of your artists. (5 points)

Part #2 Describe their work by including the art review that we used in class. Include the pictures of each of the art work that you choose. (20 points)

Artist Review                

Artist’s Name  ___________________________________

Title of Artwork _______________      Date of Work __________________

Description: The Facts Identify everything in the art work: (Objects, Lines, Shapes, Textures, Values)

Analysis:The Design Determine how the artwork is organized or composed. (Balance, Lights/Darks, Focal Point, Rhythm, use of Layers, Color enhancements, special effects)

Interpretation:The Meaning Explain what you think the artwork means or what the artist is trying to communicate:

Judgment:Make a personal decision about the artworks degree of success and an example of why you feel the way you do.


Part #3 -Compare and contrast each of the artists in terms of subject matter, techniques, style, or life background.(5 points)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

portrait of artist

Worm's eye view
Exposure mode p
aperture 5.6
shutter speed 1/200
This photo was taken using the self timer on my car dashboard coming to school.  I wanted to emphasis to emphasis value and use the unusual camera angle to capture the anxiety of rushing to class each day.